We provide top-notch infrastructure to all our customers whether your a bank, institutional broker, or just a new trader.
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Partnered with
Amateur Trader
₺0-1,000,000 Trade Volume
Lowest Spread Globally
Direct Liquidity Access
7/24 Support
Wallet Insurance
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₺1M-5,000,000 Trade Volume
Lowest Spread Globally
Direct Liquidity Access
7/24 Support
Wallet Insurance
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Institutional Traders
₺5M & higher trade volume
Direct Liquidity Access
Wallet Insurance
7/24 Direct Support
Special OTC service
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Turkex Komisyonları Hakkında
Ücretlerimiz diğer borsalara göre fazla gözükebilir, ancak düşük tahta ücretleri ve sunduğumuz yüksek sigorta değerleri göz önünde bulundurulduğunda oranlarımız oldukça uygun.
Bazı borsalarda işlem ücretleri %0.1 olabilir, ancak tahtanın yüksekliği alıcıyı her zaman zararlı çıkarabilir. Biz, üst düzey güvenlik seviyeleriyle kullanıcılarımıza güvenli ve avantajlı işlem ortamını sunuyoruz
Why should I use Turkex
Although trading on different exhcanges might seem like the same thing, some exchanges have different infrastructures that help out user at the end of the day. We always provide the highest level of security and liquidity possible at the time.
Is Crypto easy to learn?
Although crypto is a very complex and vast industry, learning about an industry from the right institutions and right people can make it very easy and very simple!
Will anything ever happen to my crypto if I don't check on it for a long time?
No, your assets will always be stored on the highest institutional level graded cold wallets. You can register today, buy your crypto directly and forget it for years!